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Cereal bar Ba!, dates and cocoa, Bakalland, 40g

SKU SP-681971
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  • With today's consumer reaching for snacks up to five times a day, they are looking for more and more new taste sensations and healthier alternatives.
  • He is also more willing to choose the least processed, natural products possible. Bakalland fruit bars BA!
  • 100% Nature are the perfect solution for him - a simple, several-ingredient and 100% natural recipe.
  • DACTYLE & KAKAO BAR WITH RACED ARACHIDS AND CEREAL is a sensual combination of velvety and distinctive flavor of cocoa, roasted peanuts and added sweetness of dates, as well as nutritious oat flakes.
  • Dates are a treasure trove of simple sugars, which are an excellent source of energy during intense physical and mental exertion.
  • They also replenish glycogen and potassium deficiencies in the body, and contain B vitamins, vitamin A and C.
  • Peanuts are known for their high protein content.
  • They are also a good source of vitamin B2, or riboflavin, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system and the organ of vision.
  • Peanuts are also a mine of vitamin E, known as the "vitamin of youth" because it protects the body from free radicals.
  • Cocoa is classified as a superfood - 100 g meets the body's daily requirement for iron, magnesium, phosphorus, half of the daily requirement for zinc and 30% of the requirement for riboflavin.
  • The bar DAKTYLE & KAKAO WITH RASED ARACHIDS AND CEREAL has a high content of fiber, which supports the functioning of the beneficial microflora of the digestive system.
  • It is made without added sugar - it contains only naturally occurring sugars in the ingredients that make it up.

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Basic product parameters
SKU PBS SP-681971
Barcode 5900749681971
Product name Cereal bar Ba!, dates and cocoa, Bakalland, 40g
Category Snacks
Tax rate 5%
CN 1904 20 99
Basic product parameters
Class Standard
Colour assorted colours
Offer from
Product baton
Weight (g) 40
Hit Hit
New product standard
Logistic units
Unit 1 - piece 1 pc
ean 5900749681971
weight 0,04 kg
packaging weight 0,00 kg
h. x w. x l. 4,00 x 14,50 x 1,20 cm
Unit 2 - carton 30 pc
weight 1,20 kg
packaging weight 0,24 kg
h. x w. x l. 26,30 x 14,70 x 6,40 cm
Unit 3 - pallet 10800 pc
06-400 Ciechanów
ul. Mazowiecka 10
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05-092 Łomianki
Łąkowa 31
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83-200 Starogard Gdański
ul. Sambora 3
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35-101 Rzeszów
Staroniwska 41B
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