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Set MOLESKINE, Positivity Smiley notebook + pen + planner

SKU MS-855104
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  • Take happiness seriously with this undated Smiley® themed calendar that will enhance your planning, mood and creativity. The lack of dates allows you to start planning anytime during the year: just enter the day and month and get started. Special content includes quotes to motivate and inspire, and 107 lined pages to delve into ideas.
  • Along with a matching collector's box, this planner provides the space you need to stop and reflect with monthly, weekly and daily sections to guide you through your projects, goals and habits:
  • Monthly: spend 30 minutes on this page at the beginning of each month, making sure all weekly and daily tasks are completed to help you reach your annual goals and long-term objectives.
  • Weekly: spend 30 minutes every Sunday reviewing your progress over the past week and modifying your plans for the next seven days to make sure you achieve your short- and long-term goals.
  • Daily: most planners focus on your meetings during the workday. With Smiley®, this part takes up only a quarter of the page: we help you monitor all other aspects of your day to create a positive balance in your life. Above all, we help you keep track of small successes that put you in a positive mood. Take a quarter of an hour each evening to update this section.

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Basic product parameters
SKU PBS MS-855104
Barcode 8056598855104
Product name Set MOLESKINE, Positivity Smiley notebook + pen + planner
Category Notebooks
Tax rate 23%
CN 4820 10 30
Basic product parameters
Class Premium
Colour assorted colours
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Procurement vocabulary
CPV 22815000-6 Notatniki
Logistic units
Unit 1 - packaging 1 pck
ean 8056598855104
Unit 2 - box 4 pck
weight 4,46 kg
h. x w. x l. 23,30 x 20,30 x 19,50 cm (volume 0,01 m3)
Unit 3 - carton 16 pck
weight 18,50 kg
h. x w. x l. 48,60 x 42,50 x 22,00 cm (volume 0,05 m3)
06-400 Ciechanów
ul. Mazowiecka 10
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05-092 Łomianki
Łąkowa 31
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83-200 Starogard Gdański
ul. Sambora 3
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